

2020-08-15 14:48 浏览:478
法国CAC-40指数是法国股价指数,由40只法国股票构成。由巴黎证券交易所 (PSE) 以其前40大上市公司的股价来编制,基期为1987年底。该指数从1988年6月5日开始发布,反映法国证券市场的价格波动。


The index consists of the following companies as of the inclusion of Suez Environnement on 22 September, 2008. The index had previously consisted of just 39 companies on a temporary basis after the Suez-Gaz de France merger.[1]

Company ICB Sector Ticker symbol Index weighting (%)1
Accor(雅高集团) hotels AC 0.91
Air France-KLM(法航荷航集团) airlines AF 0.53
Air Liquide commodity chemicals AI 2.90
Alcatel-Lucent(阿尔卡特-朗讯) telecommunications equipment ALU 0.75
Alstom(阿尔斯通) industrial machinery ALO 1.53
Arcelor Mittal(阿塞洛米塔尔) steel MTP 4.16
AXA(安盛集团) full line insurance CS 5.14
BNP Paribas(法国巴黎银行) banks BNP 7.44
Bouygues(布伊格集团) heavy construction EN 1.31
Capgemini(凯捷咨询公司) computer services CAP 0.62
Carrefour(家乐福集团) food retailers and wholesalers CA 2.73
Crédit Agricole(法国农业信贷银行) banks ACA 2.02
Dexia(Dexia集团) banks DX 0.77
EADS(欧洲航空防务航天公司) aerospace EAD 0.67
Électricité de France(法国电力集团) electricity EDF 2.34
Essilor(依视路) medical supplies EF 0.98
France Télécom(法国电信集团) fixed line telecommunications FTE 5.07
GDF Suez(法国燃气苏伊士集团) gas distribution GSZ 6.08
Groupe Danone(达能集团) food products BN 3.03
L'Oréal(欧莱雅集团) personal products OR 2.60
Lafarge(法国拉法基集团) building materials and fixtures LG 1.45
Lagardère Group(法国拉加代尔集团) publishing MMB 0.46
LVMH(法国LVMH集团) clothing and accessories MC 2.32
Michelin(米其林集团) tires ML 0.76
Pernod Ricard(法国保乐力加集团) distillers and vintners RI 1.39
PSA Peugeot Citroën(标致汽车公司) automobiles UG 0.70
PPR(法国巴黎春天百货集团) broadline retailers PP 0.71
Renault(雷诺汽车公司) automobiles RNO 1.29
Saint-Gobain(法国圣戈班集团) building materials and fixtures SGO 1.53
Sanofi-Aventis(法国赛诺菲-安万特集团) pharmaceuticals SAN 6.32
Schneider Electric(施耐德电气公司) electrical components and equipment SU 1.91
Société Générale(法国兴业银行) banks GLE 5.00
STMicroelectronics(意法半导体) semiconductors STM 0.64
Suez Environnement(苏伊士环境集团) water SEV 0.70
Total S.A.(道达尔公司) integrated oil and gas FP 13.47
Unibail-Rodamco(尤尼百-洛当科集团) real estate investment trusts UL 1.58
Vallourec(瓦卢雷克) industrial machinery VK 1.10
Veolia Environnement(法国威立雅集团) water VIE 1.47
Vinci(法国万喜集团) heavy construction DG 2.05
Vivendi(法国威望迪集团) broadcasting and entertainment VIV 3.61
