
1040EZ Form

2020-08-14 15:16 浏览:999
The 1040EZ is an alternative to the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 1040 income tax form and offers a faster and easier way to file taxes, meant for taxpayers with rudimentary tax situations. In order to be eligible to use this form, the individual must have a taxable income of less than $100,000, interest income of $1,500 or less, possess no dependents and fulfill other requirements set by the IRS.

Also known as "income tax return for single and joint filers with no dependents" and unofficially as the "easy form".

For most individuals, the 1040EZ is the first tax form they will fill out. For example, a young adult with a part-time job will file a tax return at the end of the year. This person will have a straightforward and simple tax situation if she or he has no real estate assets, no tax shelters and no foreign income; only the most basic information is needed to determine whether any money is owed or refunded.

As an individual's taxation situation becomes more complicated by having a child and claiming a dependent, he or she may need to file under the Form 1040A or Form 1040.
