
Automatic Savings Plan

2020-08-03 18:45 浏览:715
A type of personal savings system in which the plan contributor automatically deposits a fixed amount of funds at specified intervals into their investment account. The typical structure of this type of savings system is an automatic transfer from an individual's bank account into a different savings or investment account every two weeks. Then, every time the individual receives a paycheck from their employer, their desired savings amount is automatically transferred into their savings account.

An automatic savings plan has other advantages than just the convenience of not having to manually deposit funds into your savings account each month. For instance, this type of system makes it easier to stick to a personal budget, since it is harder to overspend and dip into your savings once they are automatically removed from your bank account.

This type of system also helps investors continue contributing savings to their investment portfolio over a long period of time, something that can become emotionally difficult to keep up after suffering losses on a few investments or personal experiences.
