Automatic Transfer Service - ATS
2020-08-15 14:41
A banking service offered to customers that has both a general and specific meaning. On a general level, it can mean any automatic transfer of funds between customer accounts. For example, a regular transfer from a checking account to pay off a bank loan, or a monthly transfer from a checking account to a savings account. More specifically, it describes the overdraft protection provided when there is an automatic transfer of funds from a customer's savings account to his or her checking account when there are insufficient funds to cover unpaid checks or maintain a minumum balance. Ordinarily, the bank will transfer the exact amount of funds required to cover unpaid checks. The customer avoids any overdraft fees and all the hassle associated with returned checks.
Given the low rates of interest paid on checking accounts, these arrangements are the norm rather the exception, particularly for checking accounts at brokerage firms. Automatic transfer accounts are available to individuals and sole proprietors; organizations, units of government and other entities are not eligible for these accounts.