
Discount Spread

2020-08-15 17:15 浏览:398

Currency forward points that are subtracted from the spot rate, to obtain a forward rate for a currency. In the currency markets, forward spreads or points are two-way quotes, that is, they have a bid price and an offer price. In a discount spread, the bid price will be higher than the offer price, while in a premium spread, the bid price will be lower than the offer price.


For example, assume a euro spot rate of EUR 1 = 1.4000 / 1.4002 USD, and that six-month interest rates for the euro are higher than for the USD. If the discount spread for six months is 25 / 24, the six-month euro rate will be EUR 1 = 1.3975 / 1.3978 (1.4000 - 0.0025 and 1.4002 - 0.0024).
